
Gloucestershire Association of School Business Management (GASBM) membership is open to all professionals with a School Business Managers remit who work in Schools or Academies or who are accountable for Schools or Multi Academy Trusts within Gloucestershire

We are a thriving group with membership of over 200 schools; meetings are held three times a year with a combination of presentations and, increasingly, workshop style discussions.  In addition we have a very successful and effective web forum which allows members to ask for support and advice on any aspects of school business management for example staffing, suppliers, policies and financial management. 

We particularly work on a collaborative basis and we hold training sessions on a range of topics including Strategic Financial Planning, Managing Staff Reduction,  Data Protection, Procurement and Health & Safety accreditation.  In conjunction with the Gloucestershire Association of Secondary Heads we have developed a comprehensive benchmarking tool covering key performance indicators across all aspects of school operations  which is used by most Gloucestershire secondary schools. 

We have held four fantastic annual conferences at Cheltenham Racecourse where sponsors and exhibitors have joined more than 200 school business managers from across Gloucestershire and further afield including London, Yorkshire, Cornwall, Somerset, Wiltshire and Worcestershire. 

The officers of the Assocation are Tom Cadogan at Balcarras Trust is Chair, Liz Halliwell at Stroud High School is Secretary and Liz Miles at Sand Academies Trust is Treasurer.